5 Reasons to Consider Rathore Design for NATA Coaching


NATA stands for National Aptitude Test in Architecture which is administered by National Institute of Advanced Studies in Architecture. This exam measures the applicant’s drawing and observation skills, sense of proportion, aesthetic sensitivity and critical thinking ability that have been acquired over a long period of time & that are related to Architecture. A single window exam, NATA is used for admissions to 5 years B. Arch degree course at all over country. NATA scores are used for admissions to different government, government aided & unaided colleges of Architecture.

Now here arises a competition, since every student wants to get admission in the most prestigious college with a good score in entrance test. To get good score one has to join some coaching institute. There are really good institutes that are recognised as some of the best NATA coaching classes in Delhi. BRDS i.e. Bhanwar Rathore Design Studio is the best example of this, as this institute has CEPT, SPA and IIT alumni as its eminent faculty members. Apart from NATA coaching for MAH-AR-CET interior design: CEPT- SID/ APIED, civil construction: CEPT-SBST: CEPT- Planning is also provided by this prestigious institute.

Let’s discuss the top 5 reasons why Rathore Design is considered as one of the best NATA coaching classes in Delhi

  1. Varieties of Courses available
  • “Summer vacation batch”- Students who are willing to appear in NATA entrance test in the coming year can utilize their summer vacations for NATA entrance preparation. This crash course can be of 10/14 or 28 days duration and runs in all the centres of BRDS.
  • “Winter programme” – New batches start every Monday. Students can even utilize

their winter break and prepare themselves for NATA entrance test.

  1. Foundation programme– This course prepares you for foundation of Design, Architecture and Fine Arts. Based on the performance of the candidate in the test, candidate will be suggested the best discipline in which the applicant can flourish in the future.

The course content includes –

  • Drawing test
  • General Aptitude
  • Mathematics

The students who are in 9th, 10th, 11th or 12th are eligible for this foundation programme.

  1. Study Material – The most attractive & appreciable part of BRDS is its study material which is prepared to cover all the aspects to crack Aptitude tests & Interviews. The study material of BRDS covers all the latest aspects of Architecture & various questions included in NIFT/NID/NIT/CEED.

We can say that BRDS study material is a full package to crack NATA entrance tests.

BRDS study material is the highest selling study material which is result oriented and has expert’s guidance. This material does not only help in providing theoretical knowledge but also provides practical knowledge. It also instills creative skills in the students which definitely helps him/ her after getting selected in the course.

  1. Result Oriented – If the guidance is good, the result will be awesome. BRDS has a very good faculty who are alumni of IIT, SPA, and CEPT. They provide excellent knowledge in terms of theory, practical & creative skills. Because of such brilliant people, BRDS assures selection of every student in top 10 colleges of architecture. BRDS proudly announces the highest selection of students in NATA/CEPT. The graph of results of BRDS is increasing every year. In 2017, 764 students were selected in NATA which is highest among the coaching institutes.

Fee Structure/seat: Fee for the course is not much and a total of 20 seats are available for every batch. The institute has kept limited seats for each batch which also helps in proper attention for every student making it effective. The course also includes a revision course for 10 days which is included in the fee structure.  For the outstation students, the institute also has an accommodation facility.