5 Easy Tips To Score More In Exams


Exams are the toughest time for most of the students in their academic life which cannot be ignored. As we all know, exams play a very important role in all our lives. These exams are held annually to evaluate student’s knowledge and also make them realise their performance level and success among their classmates. The exams which are conducted every year is like a stepping stone for the student’s future that helps in selecting their career based on the performance and successful accomplishment in the exam.

There are a number of tips and strategies which can be practiced significantly by students for studying and scoring more marks in exams. Here are a few of them.

❖ Always start preparing early in the morning with a fresh mind.

❖ Never ignore the class notes, running notes and other NCERT textbooks.

❖ Review all your assignments and study on regular basis.

❖ Avoid striking or overwriting in answer scripts as it will make the answer paper look untidy. Explain the answers either by writing in points or in paragraphs and

❖ Never skip any topics. Focus more on diagrams, equations, theorems and formulas.

❖ As time is very precious, do not waste by hanging out with the friends, chatting for the longer time on mobiles and in Facebook accounts.

❖ Always have a positive attitude and believe in yourself and your preparations. Positivity leads to miracles.

❖ Concentrate more on important and other topics having high weightage marks in your exam.

❖ Practice diagrams along with the answers as it fetches full marks. For example Cell structure- try to explain in detail about the cell, structure, functions, and importance of nucleus along with its neat labelled diagram.

❖ Revise thoroughly before a day of the exam and never keep any topic pending until the day of the exam.

❖ Practice more questions from the worksheets, previous year exam question papers and other mock test papers.

❖ Prepare a good timetable by organizing all the hard and easy topics and subjects.

❖ Make a list of all important points while studying and practice more by writing.

❖ Prepare mind maps and flowchart which makes the concepts clearer and easy to recollect during your exams.

❖ Complete the topics which are easy first and then the ones that are hard for you.

These were a few important and easy tips to score more in exams. Apart from the preparations, health is also very important, therefore, never forget to take breaks and rest your brain. Include a healthy meal, have a good sleep and do some regular exercise as it boosts up metabolism and sets the brain into action. For more tips and tricks to score more in exams, subscribe to our BYJU’S YouTube Channel.

